Regional leagues

If you have not participated in any tournament yet, we recommend you to start by signing up for the tournament held as part of the regional leagues listed below. These tournaments target on beginning players who want to gain experience for their next career, or just want to play a tournament.

Regional league tournaments always open a category for complete beginners. Therefore, there is nothing to be afraid of, do not hesitate and register.

All registrations for tournaments take place on the website. Below you can find links to the websites of the particular leagues, if available.

Regional leagues in the Czech Republic:

Discgolfová liga Moravskoslezského kraje Tour 2021
SeveroZápadní Discgolfová Liga
Hanušova DiscGolfová Liga

Discgolfová Liga Moravy a Slezska

proDiscgolf Jihočeská discgolfová liga 2021
Pražská Discgolfová Liga
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