If you are a complete beginner, we recommend you to contact one of the local disc golf clubs, which will definitely help you with the basic techniques and rules of disc golf. The list of clubs to be found here.
It is also possible to use some tutorial videos prepared by our most experienced players.
Disc Golf school with ABC
Through videos, articles and individual trainings, DISC GOLF GUIDE gives you practical advice for physical training, technique practice and training activities that can be used by both complete beginners and advanced disc golf players.
What can you tell us? – proDiscgolf.cz
Disc Golf Manual: Back to basics
The very first disc golf manual written and illustrated by the experienced disc golf player Tomáš Redlich.
The manual focuses on the description and visualization of the basic throws: backhand, forehand and putting. In addition to describing the correct technique, you will also find tin the manual he most common mistakes. The manual is available at disc golf equipment sellers.