How to become a ČADG member?

The membership application is filled in on the player portal idiscgolf.cz.

Find the reasons and benefits of the membership in the association here.

How to sign up to the tournament?

All tournaments that take place in the Czech Republic can be found on the player’s website idiscgolf.cz. Here you will find an overview of all tournaments with the possibility of registration.

How to establish a club?

It does not take much to establish an association – out of the three founding members, at least one must be over 18 years of age. By submitting the following documents, he/she can register the association in a register of his regional court:

  1. approval of the owner of the property in which the association has its registered office, with officially verified signatures
  2. approval of a person (statutory body – e.g. chairman) to be entered in the public register and his/her statutory declaration that he/she is legally competent and not in bankruptcy, with officially verified signatures (signatures are officially verified by municipal or city authorities for associations free of charge)
  3. record of the constituent membership meeting or record of the agreement of the founders together with the record of the election of the statutory or other body and approval of the statutes – unverified signatures are sufficient
  4. current statutes of the association signed by the chairman (or another statutory body), unverified signatures are sufficient
  5. a completed web form from the or.justice.cz website (if you submit it in printed form, the signature on it must be officially verified).

Registration of associations in the Federal Register is free of charge since May 1st 2015 (including initial entries).

How to write the statutes, sample forms and other information about the establishment and operation of associations can be found on the Internet. For example here: http://poradna.crdm.cz/, or you can contact the members of the Executive Board of ČADG, who will be happy to help you.

According to the new ČADG statutes, the club can become a member of the association. The condition is to fill in and send the electronic application, which can be found on the page for editing the club.

What are the rules of Disc Golf?

The rules of disc golf are based on the rules of golf. The basic goal is to bypass the field with the lowest possible number of throws, while fulfilling all obligations such as out-of-bounds or the obligation to throw the mandatories.

Complete rules can be found here.

How does the insurance from ČADG work?

Since 2018, the Czech Disc Golf Association has had an insurance contract with Česká pojišťovna (now Generali Česká pojišťovna) for damage to or injury caused to life, health or property while playing disc golf. Since then, it has already been used twice, each time for injuries caused by a flying disc. Nevertheless, some disc golf players are unaware of the insurance or may be confused. Here is a brief summary.

Who is covered by the insurance?
All current members of ČADG during participation in a tournament or disc golf training in the Czech Republic. For tournaments organized within a league under ČADG, all players on these tournaments are insured (even if they are not members of ČADG).

What situations can the insurance be applied for?
In case someone is injured/killed during disc golf, or if any damage is caused (e.g. broken window, injured animal).
If such a thing happens, contact Generali Česká pojišťovna (insurance contract no. 86835118-12) and contact the ČADG Board (vr@idiscgolf.cz) as soon as possible so that everything can be resolved as quickly and easily as possible.

What does it mean?
Each player has of course a duty to make sure before their throw that there is no person or animal in their proximity who could be endangered. However, despite all caution, an accident may occur. And for these situations that insurance was set up. We can only hope that it will need to be used as little as possible.

The full contract with the conditions for insurance can be found in the ČADG documents.

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